The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Back to the grind

The following conversation took place between a Coworker, and a valued customer earlier this morning.

Coworker: “My sister is like the town bicycle, everyone gets a ride”

Customer: "I am not sure I know what you mean"

Coworker: “Lets just say she is open to screwing any man that comes her way”

Customer: “Oh”

Coworker: “She is pregnant with her third child, and all three children have different daddies”

After hearing this one of my other coworkers was offended by it and talked to my manager.

Offended coworker: "I don't think it is appropriate for someone to talk to a customer like that"

Manager: "Well you obviously need to get a sense of humor"


Anonymous said...

Here is the short list of what I have heard from a co-worker of mine to his customers

"stop spreading explosives around the highschool"

"Is that a monkey in the background, it sounds like a monkey."

"You are a science soldier of fortune."

"I lie all the time. I don't really sell chemicals, I am calling you from the Taco Bell drive through."

"I was just calling to say hi."

I have a longer list at work, that's what I remember."

Anonymous said...

I am glad your manager has a sense of humor. I hated working in an office, but I do miss knowing that most people are more screwed up than I am!