The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

If only I were one of those creatures that have a shell attached to their bodies, I would crawl right in and make myself nice and comfy.

When I was in elementary school I would dream of the day when I would be in High School, and when High School didn’t meet my expectations I would dream about College. You know the place where students and teachers can interact on an entirely different level. Where no opinion is a wrong opinion, and the professors respected you because when it comes down to it, you are paying their salary. I dreamt of missing school without having to get a parent note, and I imagined myself walking into class late or leaving early without a second glance from anyone. People I was dead wrong!

Last night in my Surgical Nursing class I witnessed the miracle of what the human mind can accomplish. I saw my professor go from calm to rage in literally 10 seconds, all from one comment from a fellow student.

Student says in a very relaxed non blaming tone: “I wish we had more hands-on workshops in this class”

Professor says face beaming red nostrils flaring: “If you have a problem with this class, you and I need to take this outside”

Student: “I don’t have a problem with this class, in fact I am learning a lot, I just wish I could practice what I am learning.”

Professor: “You obviously have an issue with me and my teaching style if you say that”

Student: “Sorry if you felt attacked by that comment, I was just saying how I feel”

Professor: “Who the Fuck asked you how you felt? Not me!!! Get out of my classroom! Now! After that comment I am marking you absent for the entire night, and I will be taking this issue to the Dean!”

The second that student left the classroom, the Professor was back to her little cheerful self as if nothing ever happened, and after that outburst I am sure wont happen again. These college students will sit back and nod in agreement to anything and everything we are told. No engaging discussion, no teacher and students learning together…

Hmmmmmmmm sounds like my dreams were wrong again. L


Anonymous said...

That is horrible!! I can honestly say I have never experienced anything like that in my college career thus far! I am that student! The one who is never satisfied! The one who demands more for the money I pay!! I would be screwed if I had a teacher like yours. She/he would probably wash my mouth out with soap! I am glad it wasn't you that got thrown out.

Erin said...

Wow, that teacher has some serious issues! That poor student!
Tell me how it turns out and what happens when the student comes back, if they come back. Freaky.

Meg Barber said...

College doesn't change people. Teacher's still have bad days and can just be on edge. But there IS a difference in how things are run. No professor likes to be challenged, but if you miss a class, you DON'T have to get a parent's note and you never have to explain your absence. No one cares about you individually enough to do something about it.