The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Never talk about politics or religion

My families political views have never been a mystery to me. Especially with the Primary Presidential Elections taking place.

I have heard my Grandmother say things like:
"A vote for Hillary is a vote for Socialism" and
"All Democrats are going to hell" and
"All Hollywood stars are Democrat"

Yet I find myself not agreeing with either political party full heatedly. I cant give myself a political title when I cant justify representing either group. I don't want to make that type of a decision that could possibly cause arguments and outrages in the years to come.

Maybe I will vote maybe I wont, arnt I just voting for the lesser of two evils? Any man or women with that much power is destined to become corrupt anyway.

Oh yea, and by the way Grandma, Hillary doesnt have a chance of winning against Obama so you dont have anything to worry about.


Erin said...

I don't like any of the candidates and I'm nervous to what the future holds. But don't be too hard on Grandma. She's just scared of change. And what else does she have to think about? I admire her passion.
I vote. Therefore I can complain if I want too.

Anonymous said...

Is is about the lesser of two evils. I hope the lesser wins. As for socialism, Obama leans that way more than Hillary. Oh well, we are doomed no matter what happens. I just hope we don't end up with the same problems Australia has because of their socialist government.