The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Who Knew?

$17.91 spent on iTunes has bought me an addiction.

An addiction that eats away at my brain 24 hours a day.

I have thoughts of Serena and Blair and I keep wondering what they are doing at this very moment. I think about Chuck and what an A-hole he is, but how much I truly enjoy him. I think about Nate and his family, wondering how they will get through this horribly painful time in their lives.

But most of all I think to myself that Wednesdays don’t come around often enough.

The new series Gossip Girl is truly amazing. It has cured my urge for teenage drama, that I have been yearning for since the O.C. ended.

Check it out, I am sure you will love it as much as I do.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Low grade milk

I am currently learning about Bovine’s (Cows) in my Veterinary nursing class. Recently as we were discussing dairy cows we brushed over how milk is graded and what is sold or not sold to the general public.

Basically what happens is once the milk is ready, the inspector decides which milk is “low-grade” and not sell able.

What happens next is what the local dairy farmers wont tell you.

The farmers then add chocolate to the milk that is "low-grade", and the inspector then approves it to be sold in stores!

When I asked my professor why the milk is considered "low-grade" he told me that the milk is a yellow color instead of white, because there is more pus in it. This pus is not necessarily bad for you, but it is not recommended to drink on a regular basis.

That’s right people!!!

When you buy chocolate milk you are buying the lowest grade milk possible.

I guess I am right when I say adding chocolate always makes everything better.

Safest bet……buy some powdered chocolate and add it yourself.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Recipe for an Eye Sore

1 very tall, extra large, incredibly old Communications Professor
1 pair of extra tight pants

Combine the above ingredients and try to keep your eyes off the large bulge staring you in the face for 4 hours of class.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What doctors don’t tell you

I feel like this story could be written in Glamour Magazine or something, but this is true life people! This really happened to me!

A month ago I took a hefty round of antibiotics for a sinus infection. 2 weeks ago I took another large dose of a different antibiotic for the gut infection I occurred from my original dose antibiotic. Today I have a urinary tract infection from the second dose of antibiotics I took. So here I sit drinking bitter, no sugar, no nothing, added to 100% pure cranberry juice hoping the old remedy will help. Because lets face it, who knows what type of infection I will get next if I do decide to take more antibiotics.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

News Flash

My cubie mate seems to have forgiven me, and is now my best friend again.

This morning I heard all about her neighbor’s dog that humps her leg and leaves wet spots on her pants.

She actually asked me what the wet spot was, and as I stared at her with my mouth gaping open she just smiled and said, "what is it, I have to know what the wet spot is".

Please help me get through this day!

Monday, November 5, 2007

My cheeks hurt from laughing so much

This weekend my better half and I got to see our favorite comedian Jim Gaffigan. It was held at the Paramount in Seattle, in my opinion the best place to see any type of show.

I want to recap some of Jim’s jokes, because I found them to be so true to life, and so hilarious I couldn’t control the tears that ran down my cheeks!

“Have you ever woken up and realized you still have time to sleep? It is like finding a thousand dollars!”

“Hot Pockets take 2 minutes to cook, and that is exactly how long they will stay in your system. They should call them diarrhea Pockets”

"There's always two Hot Pockets in every box, you know one for you to eat and regret and the other one to have in your freezer until you move. Or I guess you could use it as a measuring stick for how drunk you got. 'Yeah, I'm not going to eat that. Guess I'm OK to drive,'"

"I am healthy…because I am a vegetarian. I'm not a strict vegetarian. I do eat beef and pork. And chicken. But not fish 'cause that's disgusting! How do you know when fish goes bad? It smells like fish either way! 'Hey this smells like a dumpster, lets eat it!'"

“"I love the movie previews... you know... Why is it whenever you're watching a movie preview you always feel like you have to comment on it to the person you're with? 'Yeah... I'm not gonna see that movie. I'm gonna wait for that on VIDEO.' I mean when you think about it, it's just a commercial for the movie. You know, you never sit at home watching tv-- "Yeah... I'm not buying that cereal. I don't like cereals with raisins in 'em. ...What's your take on that commercial?”

So funny! I would recommend him to anyone and everyone that wants a good laugh.

Friday, November 2, 2007

I have derailed

Its official, I am a tattle tell! But the truth of the matter is I was sick and tired of getting emails that might get me in trouble, for heavens sake…I am hanging by a thread as it is!

So I forwarded the incriminating emails to my boss with a little note stating that I didn’t want to get in trouble for being attached to an email that had sexual innuendos, and stating that she might want to mention something to the creator of the emails just in case.

This morning I find out from the creator of the emails that she got in trouble, and that she knows who did it because she can see where everyone who forwards the emails sent them.


I didn’t realize I was working with such a computer genius! The good news is that I think I have officially gotten her to hate me enough that she won’t talk to me anymore.

Silence is golden, and even if I will now be known as the office snitch at least I can get my work done without anyone screaming over my shoulder. Thank heaven for small favors.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

New Cubical Mate

I spend 8 hours of my day in a 5x5 foot cubical, and I am surrounded by 5 other cubicles, one of which is within 2 feet of mine. I used to have the perfect Cubiemate. She was quiet and kept to herself. Sometimes we would go hours without talking to each other!!! Those were the good old days, when I could come into work do my own thing without anyone bugging me, and then go home. Let me give you a run down of how my day goes now.

Cubiemate: “HELLO!!! GOOD MORNING!!!!” (She yells as I sit down)

Cubiemate: “So last night I………………”(as she goes over in great detail what her and her cat spent the evening doing, this usually goes on until around 8:20am)

Cubiemate makes constant random comments about what she is doing…if she laughs she will do it soooooo loud, and if I don’t ask her what is funny she will laugh again even louder….if she sighs, she will sigh over and over until I ask her what is wrong….even as I am writing this, she is literally making comments to me! My back is turned…I am typing, and she is commenting! I think she just said something about being the “devils advocate”. What the hell is she talking about, I don’t even engage in the conversation, I don’t even comment back to her, I thought this might help her SHUTUP, but she continues to talk.

I finally get some silence. This is her lunch hour, and I purposefully take my lunch hour right when she gets back…this gives me 2 hours of quiet.

Cubiemate- blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!!!!
Cubiemate- sends me an email with pictures of plants that have been warped to look like male body parts….on my office email......and she forwads it to the supervisor too!

Where did she come from? I don’t understand how someone can think their life is so interesting! How can someone be so blatantly idiotic! How is it that she missed the basic fundamentals of human interaction?