The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Friday, November 2, 2007

I have derailed

Its official, I am a tattle tell! But the truth of the matter is I was sick and tired of getting emails that might get me in trouble, for heavens sake…I am hanging by a thread as it is!

So I forwarded the incriminating emails to my boss with a little note stating that I didn’t want to get in trouble for being attached to an email that had sexual innuendos, and stating that she might want to mention something to the creator of the emails just in case.

This morning I find out from the creator of the emails that she got in trouble, and that she knows who did it because she can see where everyone who forwards the emails sent them.


I didn’t realize I was working with such a computer genius! The good news is that I think I have officially gotten her to hate me enough that she won’t talk to me anymore.

Silence is golden, and even if I will now be known as the office snitch at least I can get my work done without anyone screaming over my shoulder. Thank heaven for small favors.


Anonymous said...


Meg Barber said...

I still don't get how plants could be in that shape though...