The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Thursday, December 6, 2007


We all have days where it feels as if the whole world is fighting against us. I know a girl who has these types of days every day. She is constantly complaining about the drama in her life, and she makes sure everyone hears about how everyone is out to get her. Here are a few choice quotes from her.

“The dental professor flunked me, he obviously is grading me on the fact that I am bisexual, everyone accepts the homosexuals, but no body will accept the fact that I like both men and women” (lets not take into consideration the fact that you missed class every other week, failed to do the dental practical, oh yea and you told the professor that he shouldn't’t be teaching)

“I am bipolar and manic depressive! That’s right, I am so mentally screwed up there is no medication out there for me” (she screams this in the middle of class for no apparent reason)

“I just can’t do it, OK! You can’t expect me to be able to draw blood from this dog” (wait a second…did you just say that in your animal nursing class?)

“I don’t get enough experience at this school, how can you expect me to know how to draw blood when I never get the chance” (she said this the day after she said the quote above. Ironic isn’t it)

“You have no idea what I am going through! I am a poor college student, who can barely afford to put gas in my car! Give me a break!” (She said this to the entire class of poor college students, after she didn’t show up for her scheduled surgery day. Yes you are completely right…none of us have any idea what you are going through)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Random but, THANK YOU for using the word 'ironic' correctly. Most of the idiotic population uses it interchangeably with the word 'coincidental.' ComPLETEly incorrect. But you didn't. YAY for you! Twenty points!