The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Never talk about politics or religion

My families political views have never been a mystery to me. Especially with the Primary Presidential Elections taking place.

I have heard my Grandmother say things like:
"A vote for Hillary is a vote for Socialism" and
"All Democrats are going to hell" and
"All Hollywood stars are Democrat"

Yet I find myself not agreeing with either political party full heatedly. I cant give myself a political title when I cant justify representing either group. I don't want to make that type of a decision that could possibly cause arguments and outrages in the years to come.

Maybe I will vote maybe I wont, arnt I just voting for the lesser of two evils? Any man or women with that much power is destined to become corrupt anyway.

Oh yea, and by the way Grandma, Hillary doesnt have a chance of winning against Obama so you dont have anything to worry about.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Another nurse quit today...after working at this place for less then one month.

My boss's response "I am starting to take this personal!"

What I wish I could have said to that statement "You should!"

Monday, February 18, 2008

Mixed Signals

February 11th : My boss suspends me for being outside the employee standards.

February 15th: My boss gives me a "on the spot award" for being such a great help to the company.

Friday, February 15, 2008


300lb Coworker says to a patient over the phone while eating a Big Mac fries and a large coke.

“You really need to get your weight under control. Stay away from fast food, carbohydrates and try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I garantee your health will be much better if you just loose weight.”

Monday, February 11, 2008

Time to Reflect

Its happened before....
hopefully it wont happen again....
but here I am at home....
reflecting about myself...
while on my three days of forced vacation from work

The screw up has returned to her paradise

Monday, February 4, 2008

My day has arrived

Recieved phone call from the HR department.

HR: I just wanted to let you know that we recieved your complaint and we are taking it very seriously.

Me: Thanks

HR: Once we get your boss's "side of the story" we will be having a serious talk with her about this, because it is completely against our policy.

Me: I appreciate your quick respond in this situation, let me know if you need anything else from me.

Hopefully this will get my boss of my back. At least for the next 14 weeks!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cubical Watch List

I have official made the America’s Most Wanted list of the corporate world. My boss has me on her radar and until this madness ends in 15 weeks I am sure to endure hell fire and brimstone.

My coworker came up to me the other day and advised me that my boss had asked her to spy on me.

Has it really come to this…is my boss really ready to take on the wrath of Tristen!
I don’t think she knows what she is getting herself into. As I finish writing an official complaint regarding the recent harassment of my boss and walk it up to Human Resources an evil smile creeps across my face.

With this type of maliciously wicked intentions…maybe I do belong on the most wanted list after all.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Teacher the Crack Addict

I spend Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday staring at the front of a classroom in awe, more preoccupied with the human that stands before me then with the subject I should be learning.

There she stands in the front of a group of bewildered students, flailing her arms and spitting out words in such an alarmingly fast rate that not a single soul can understand her blabbering. Her thin, frail looking figure walking back and forth in front of the chalk board, where she places her barley decipherable chicken scratch handwriting. Her hair sits on the top of her head in what looks like an attempt at a bun, but actually resembles a dead rat thrashing from side to side. As she scans the classroom her pug like eyes looking as if they will soon fall out of their sockets.

When the course had barely begun many of my fellow students dared to asked questions, thinking that the person chosen to teach the class actually had the ability too teach. Sadly enough we all quickly understood that that was not true. When a question was asked this teacher would either make a statement that included the fact that we didn’t have “time” for questions of that capacity, or she would begin a horrific rant that would go on and on for what seemed like hours, and would end in a classroom full of blank stares and wonderment. Now we all sit quietly continually nodding our heads hoping that no one will dare question anything again.

My only conclusion to the weeks of endured madness is that this teacher is either a life form from another planet, or she enjoy a bit to much “nose candy” on the side.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Chick Magnet

Weighing on the more liberal side of homosexuality, I have always felt that people can love whom ever they please as long as it doesn’t harm anyone. Saying this I have come to discover that I am some what of a magnet to the same sex.

Over the years I have had many female admirers some bordering on stalkers. At first I couldn't’t understand what it was about me that was so appealing but I now realize it is not my looks alone that cause such enthusiasts in my life. I now understand that I am just too damn friendly.

One girl, who I used to work with, actually told me that she saw a future with me her and my husband! Looking back at it I am not sure if she wanted to participate in Polygamy or if she was just clinging on so desperately to the fact that we would someday be together that she would find any way she could to make this happen.

Another girl who I see daily…constantly wants to buy me meals and has even told me she was “falling in love with me”

Yet another girl who is a friend of a friend, a girl that I see twice a year at birthday parties “finally” got the guts to ask me out. Here is the kicker….she is married… a man…and has a child! She actually told me that she has been attracted to me for a while, but she thought I was “hooking up” with my friend….who is also a girl. I told her I wasn’t into girls and that she should know that because I am married. Of course this whole idea was lost on her, because she is married to a man and enjoys women too.

Although I do find all of these situations very flattering, I also feel somewhat harassed. It seems that women that are attracted to women are very aggressive when it comes to finding love. Never in my dating career did I come across a man that was as persistent as these women. Even the ring on my finger doesn’t stop them. I may as well create a line of clothing that says “Heterosexual: meaning sexually oriented to persons of the opposite sex.” Although with my experience, I doubt that would even help.