The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What doctors don’t tell you

I feel like this story could be written in Glamour Magazine or something, but this is true life people! This really happened to me!

A month ago I took a hefty round of antibiotics for a sinus infection. 2 weeks ago I took another large dose of a different antibiotic for the gut infection I occurred from my original dose antibiotic. Today I have a urinary tract infection from the second dose of antibiotics I took. So here I sit drinking bitter, no sugar, no nothing, added to 100% pure cranberry juice hoping the old remedy will help. Because lets face it, who knows what type of infection I will get next if I do decide to take more antibiotics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes!!! No more antiboitics for you!