The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Friday, September 21, 2007

Does anyone have any question?

My sixth grade teacher once told me that there is no dumb questions...just dumb answers. Well Mr. Teacher I am here to prove you wrong.

So here is the problem I was given in Pharmacology.

You have 500ml of fluid that needs to be filled with 2 different types of medication. This can be solved by a simple solution. Volume 1/Volume 2=Solution 1/Solution 2. Makes sense right??? Not to me it doesn't...who in heavens name came up with this bullshit.

Anyhow, it took me close to 2 hours to actually understand the formula enough to come up with one of the drug amounts. The one drug I figured out turned out to be 25ml. This is where my stupidity steps in and rears its ugly pus filled head. So I raise my hand in front of a class of 25 students and say "I cant seem to come up with the amount of the other drug, could you help me?" Complete silence filled the room, followed by quiet snickering coming from the back row. "Well Tristan my Professor says to me...If you have one of the drug amounts it is very easy to get the other one. All you have to do is take 500ml and subtract the 25ml drug that you already got. So the other drug would me 475ml right?"

I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter, and knowing that my skin was the rosiest color of red anyone has ever seen, I lowered my head and thanked the Professor for her help. To think that the answer was as simple as subtracting.....

I don't know if I will ever be able to show my face in Pharmacology again. I am completely mortified!!! Math has never been my strong suit, but I was a complete idiot.
All I can do is hope that everyone has moments of complete insanity, and just in case I am the only one with these moments...I have listed some very good reasons as to why this event happened:

1. Aunt Flow from the Red Sea decided to come and visit...and she is giving me a hell of a bad time.
2. I was just diagnosed with a sinus infection, and the antibiotics are causing some weird side affects.
3. During the last week my sleep has been limited to about 4 hours a night, do to my significant others snoring habit. (sleep deprivation has been known to cause hallucinations)
4. My class happened to take place on my Nephews birthday, and I was going through a deep depression for missing his party. (depression is a serious disease, and it is not to be taken lightly)


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, just tell everyone that you are blonde naturally and they will let it go. Really though, we all ask stupid questions at some point in our studies. The worst is when you have a professor who points out how stupid it is. People will forget about it after a couple of weeks. Don't worry, someone else is sure to say something less intelligent and they will forget all about you.

Erin said...

I agree with Girl. Did you mean to use your name in the post?
And I'm sorry you were sick AND depressed. Bad combo. We missed you as well.