The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Herbal Remedies

There he sits leaning against the fence, swaying his head to the thunderous sounds blasting from the stage, his long greasy hair swaying in the desert breeze. At this moment nothing troubles him, not even the hundreds of people stumbling past. His whole persona exudes cool as he takes a drag off his preciously rolled joint, holding his breath before exhaling the pungent smoke. He takes a look around and as his eyes meet mine he smiles, “want a drag darlin?” I politely decline as the man sitting next to me happily takes my share. As I sit there surrounded by a cloud of smoke and a crowd of people in a drug induced coma, I realize I am living the dream, a hippies dream that is. A dream of drugs and music all intertwined to make one amazing weekend. The music stops for a brief moment and I hear someone in the band say “Something smells good!” At that split second I became aware of two little words…….contact high.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I...don't get it. Should I?