The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Large Children

I have developed a theory over the years, ever since I started in the Corporate world. You see when I was growing up my mother always told me to act like an Adult, so I would try my hardest to act like what I thought an Adult acted like. Let me tell you, I was way off! I realize now that the average Adult is just a child in a bigger body.
Let give you a few of the many examples of this theory that I have seen over the years, and you can make your own decision on weather you agree with it or not.

1.The 53 year old women who just last week screamed at the top of her lungs and ran out of a staff meeting slamming the door. (It is still a mystery as to why she did this)
2.The 36 year old women that holds conversations on the company phone with her husband, and repeatedly calls him an Asshole load enough for all to hear.
3. The 50 year old women who advised me that it is rude for me to whisper because she feels that I am talking about her!
4. The 48 year old Nurse who calls 911 during work hours to get an ambulance to pick her up because she is coughing. Needless to say...they sent her home the same day with the diagnosis of a cold.
5. The 53 year old women who asks me why I am friends with another coworker and not her.
6. The 58 year old Man who continually has to be told that he must wear deodorant, and brush his teeth daily before he comes to work.
7. The 52 year old boss who decides she likes one employee better then the next, and gives her favorites any and all the attention, while ignoring the rest of us peons.
8. The 49 year old who breaks down in the middle of a phone call to a customer crying and tells her entire sad life story.
9. The 51 year old women who screamed at the Admin Assistant because she forgot to send around a birthday card for her. This same women told the entire department that because her father was a drunk she never got birthday cards, and if we didn't do something for her birthday she "might as well kill herself"!
10. This same women in #9 cried all morning on her birthday, because the balloons and presents that we got her weren't as big as the balloons and presents that another coworker got on her birthday the week before.
11. The boss once again decides I am not one of her favorites, and tells me my reason for calling in sick was not good enough. Hmmmmm maybe she wanted me to come to work with my nasty runny nose, coughing all over her so she gets sick too. Didn't they invent sick days for that very stop the spread of colds/flu's and other nasty bugs?
12. The bosses boss holds a meeting to tell everyone that if you go out to lunch with a coworker you must invite everyone in the department. She wants to make sure everyone is involved and no one is left out. (so in other have to be friends with everyone, not just a few people, doesn't that remind you of elementary school?)
13.The 30 year old pregnant coworker is called into the bosses office and is told that she is leaving her desk too much. Even after this 3 month pregnant coworker explains to the boss that she is leaving to go vomit in the bathroom because of morning sickness....the boss still gives her a "written warning". (after this write up this same prego coworker vomited in her garbage can, carrying the soiled sack down the hall past the bosses office asking the it OK if I leave my desk to go throw this away?) The prego coworker was never bothered again. :)

Now I could go on and on...but I feel that I have made my point. Theories can develop into fact, but as my Biochemist brother tells me...that takes years of research. Well bro...I have researched this theory for 5 years now! I would say this is now a fact! The average Adult is just a child in a bigger body!!!!!

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