The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You know your not prepared for the Fall when.....

  • Your sock drawer is in complete disarray, there is not a matching pair to be found. (I have gotten to the point where I following the golden rule of Out with the Old in with the New)
  • All your sweaters have to be washed because they have that musty smell from not being used for months on end.
  • You turn on your heater in your car or house and a nasty burning smell wafts through the air for a couple of hours.
  • You continue wearing the thin fabric pants thinking you can get away with it, and in a moment of complete desperation you run to the nearest store to buy long johns. The thing is everyone else has already stocked you are left with a bright pink pair that has "Peace Not War" printed all over it.
  • The porch light is finally going to get its chance to shine, and as you flip on the switch it flickers and quickly dies.
  • Over the summer months your other glove somehow got lost, and you end up wearing one black and one blue.

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