The daily ranting of an unidentified woman

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Without my contacts in I am considered legally blind. This of coarse posses many problems in my life, and I recently discovered a very disgusting one. Every morning I wake up and shower without my contacts in. I feel that it gives me time to adjust to being awake, before I actually see the world around me. This morning as I was blindly reaching for my shampoo I saw a pink blur on the shower floor, I ignored it, thinking that once I put in my contacts I would see exactly what it was. On a side note...I never look in my shower when I am not actually taking a shower, and since my shower is enclosed in a box of frosted glass I cannot see inside unless I actually take the time to open the door. Any how, back to this I put in my contacts and opened the shower door I was appalled at what I saw. Pink everywhere!!!! Some of you avid cleaners may not know soap scum turns pink if it is left alone too long. I was mortified and appalled at the site of it. I don't know what bothered me more...the fact that I had been showering in a nasty scum filled shower for so long, or the fact that my 20/20 vision significant other didn't seem to mind. Needless to say after I told him of the predicament he reminded me that it was my turn to clean it. So I broke out the bottle of the happy faced scrubbing bubbles and went to work, and my shower is now back to a beautiful white. Problem solved. For now.


Anonymous said...

Oh I noticed it alright. I just wanted to play a "dirty" trick on you because you are blind.

Erin said...

OH YUCK! Even when you were blind it was so bad that you could still see it? Okay. You win! I thought I was neglegant with MY bathrooms!

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